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This is largely attributable due to nicotine, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons are the main components of tobacco smoke that increase the arrhythmogenic potential of smoke. Especially nicotine, because simpatomimetiknya effect on cardiac autonomic function and oxidative stress, thus increasing the chances of suffering from systemic hypertension is characterized by increased blood pressure caused by increased peripheral resistance. This leads to increased peripheral resistance after load resulting increase in compensation in the form of left ventricular hypertrophy in order to maintain cardiac output to remain normal. Disruption of left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular diastolic function, increased left atrial pressure menyababkan followed by dilation of the left atrium space. The group had smoked 10-15 years old and 16-20 years of test analysis using the Fischer Exact Test. In the group of 21-25 years old smoke, found 40% had left ventricular hypertrophy. Smoking is one of the causes of hypertension and contribute to the development of left ventricular hypertrophy. Then, the activation of phospholipase C activates the hydrolysis of phosphatidyl inositol in the membrane, then stir 2 pieces messenger, diacylglycerol and inositol triphosphate. Relationship between smoking behavior and exercise habits with hypertension in men 18-44 years of age shellac, Observational Study in Puskesmas Big River District of South Banjarbaru. Relationship characteristics (age, sex, level of education) and physical activity and blood pressure in the elderly in urban districts Makamhaji Kartasura sukuharjo subdistrict. Old Wisdom Smoking With Hypertension Degrees Rannaloe In the village of the District Bungaya Kab. Closing Conclusion in this study heart defects increased and statistically significant with age and the longer consume cigarettes. Suggestion: In patients with hypertension are advised not to smoke and smokers are advised to quit smoking. Interlink between smoking and left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive subjects nepali. Huldani, Sukmana Bayu I, Rahmiati, Pujiningtyas A, Savitri E, Fauziah, Nihayah U, Achmad H. Association between serum cotinine levels and electrocardiographic left atrial abnormality. Role of factors hemodynamic and non hemodynamic in the pathogenic mechanisms of left ventricular hypertrophy. The movement of lead from soil particles into groundwater may occur if it is exposed to acid rain. Leachate can infiltrate into shallow groundwater (well) consumed by nearby residents and potentially pollute the shallow groundwater. Conclusion: Well water nearby the Cipayung landfill is still safe from lead exposure for the risk of noncarcinogenic health problems. The open dumping system is not a fully comprehensive Correspondence Author: Budi Hartono Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia, 16424, Indonesia. Water pollution caused waste generation is mostly organic waste causes the formation of wastewater which can contain various kinds of heavy metals such as Cr (Chromium), Cd (Cadmium), Hg (Mercury), Pb (Lead), Ni (Nickel), As (Arsenic), Ca (Calcium), Mg (Magnesium), Fe (Iron), Mn (Manganese), Na (Natrium), K (Kalium), Zn (Zinc), Al (Aluminum), and other heavy metals(1). Groundwater pollution can affect the quality of the groundwater, primarily if the groundwater is used as a source of drinking water for residents. At high levels of exposure, the lead can damage the brain and kidneys in adults or children and ultimately cause death. In pregnant women, 1938Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. Also, it can damage the organs responsible for sperm production; can cause finger, wrist or ankle weakness, anemia, and a slight increase in blood pressure, especially in middle-aged and older people(2). Lead in the environment can remain attached to soil particles or sediments in water for years. The movement of lead from soil particles into groundwater occurs when rain falls on the soil is acidic. Therefore, lead can enter the human body directly through the ingestion process because it consumes drinking water sourced from groundwater. The increase in population is directly proportional to the amount of waste generated due to human activities. This certainly causes health problems for residents, especially those exposed to lead through well water that is consumed directly by them. The location of Cipayung landfill in Depok city and accommodates garbage or solid waste from all residents at Depok city. The waste processing method carried out in this landfill is still using an open dumping system, to allow seepage of leachate into the groundwater around the landfill. The sample was 104 respondents; they are the residents who had settled at that location for at least one year, consumed the groundwater/well water for daily drinking water, adults 18 years old, not pregnant and have chronic diseases, and willing to become respondents by signing informed consent. There are some data needed to perform risk level calculations, that is the lead concentration (C) data in well water, the lead duration time (Dt) data, the lead frequency of exposure (fE) data, the weight of body (Wb) respondents data, the drinking water rate (R) data and reference dose (Rf D) at the lead ingestion process. Well water samples were taken from all respondents wells, so that the total number of wells from 104 respondents was 49 wells. The lead duration time data, the lead frequency of exposure data, the weight of body respondents data, the drinking water rate data can be obtained from interviews using questionnaire instruments. Risk assessment is the process of estimating the potential impact of a chemical, physical, microbiological or psychosocial hazard on a specified human population or ecological system under a specific set of conditions and for a certain time frame. This is especially true of screening type risk assessments, which tend to use the most conservative assumptions about exposure and risk(3). This research using Rf D from the results of the research by Nukman, 2005 in Pratiwi, 2015(3), which was calculated based on the average anthropometric data of the Indonesian population. Table 1: Distribution and Frequency the Characterization of Respondents Living Around to Cipayung Landfill, Depok City, 2019 Variable Age (year) 18-30 year 31-40 year 41-50 year 51-60 year 61-70 year 71-80 year 17 27 37 14 7 1 16. This affects the frequency of exposure because most women in the area are housewives who are in the neighborhood every day. So that more exposure to lead through drinking water compared to other respondents. Table 2: Distribution and Frequency of Lead Concentration, Lead Intake, Respondent Consumption Rate, Exposure Time, Exposure Duration, Weight of Body Respondents Living Around to Cipayung Landfill, Depok City, 2019 Variable Lead Concentration (C in mg/L) Consumed Rate (R in liter/day) Frequency of Exposure (fE in day/year) Duration Time (Dt in a year) Weight of Body (Wb in kg) Total of Respondents (n) 104 104 104 104 104 Mean 6x10-3 2. Table 3: Intake and Value of Risk for Respondents Living Around to Cipayung Landfill, Depok City, 2019 Variable Rea Time Lifespan 30 year Lifespan 35 year Lifespan 40 year Lifespan 45 year Variable 50 year Total of Respondents (n) 104 104 104 104 104 Total of Respondents (n) 104 Intake Mean 2x10-4 2. The results of further observations showed that the respondents were women who had been exposed for 25 years to consume well water that had the highest lead concentration based on the measurement of lead levels in well water. The condition around the house that has the well is a field that allows the entry of acid rain and helps absorb lead into the groundwater and pollutes the well water of the population. So that if the respondent is exposed to lead through drinking water for 40 years, then in the next 15 years there is a risk of non-carcinogenic health problems. If children consume the well water, in the next 40 years there is a risk that it will not be safe to consume water exposed to lead and is also at risk of developing health problems that are non-carcinogenic. It means that in the next 50 years of exposure, residents who consume lead-exposed well water are still safe from the risk of health problems that have carcinogenic effects. There are not many studies that calculate environmental health risks due to exposure to lead in drinking water, so it is hoped that this study can illustrate that although current conditions do not create unsafe risks, the potential for unsafe risks can occur at any time. Based on this, risk management is needed to protect residents from unsafe risks when consuming well water containing high lead exposure. One effort is to improve the waste management system in the landfill so that leachate does not pollute shallow water or community well water and look for alternative drinking water sources that are free of heavy metals, especially tin, and for the government to look for other method for better waste management systems other than open dumping or moving landfill to new areas with a better waste management system. However, in the 40 years later there will be risks if the population continues to consume the well water nearby the Cipayung landfill. Analisis Pajanan Timbal di Air Minum dan Makanan terhadap Kejadian Hipertensi Penduduk Kawasan Industri dan Non Industri Kabupaten Gresik Jawa Timur. Measurement and Monitoring of Anions, Cations, and Metals in Landfill Leachate in Iranian Metropolises. Environmental Health Risk Assessment Guidelines for Assessing Human Health Risks from Environmental Hazards [Internet]. Despite the benefits, migrated parent(s) who leave their children behind, create a new shape of public health problem: adolescent problem behavior, i. Method: this observational survey use cross-sectional design, involves 65 repsondents of adolescent in Gumelar sub-district, part of Banyumas District in Central Java, Indonesia. It means that mothers who work abroad will cause teens to have risk behaviors by 16. Keywords: Children left behind, risk-behavior, Indonesian migrant workers Introduction Parents who migrate to other countries to work, despite getting remittances and other benefits, simultaneously also have a negative impact on health, Corresponding Author: Eri Wahyuningsih Dept. Migration becomes an event that can cause problems for families and children, because the separation of children from parents is the worst consequence of parental migration. Children in migrant worker families are the group most vulnerable to emotional and psychological stress, feelings of neglect, and low self-confidence. Adolescent is a phase where a person experiences big changes in social interactions and relationships with others. During adolescence also changes the relationship between children (adolescents) with parents5. Statistical Analysis: Data was analysed in (1) univariate, to describe each variable, (2) bivariate with Chi square test, carried out to select variables to be tested in the multivariate stage, and (3) multivariate, to analyze the variables that had the most influence on risk behavior in adolescent migrant worker children. Method Research Design: this research is a cross sectional study conducted in 4 villages in Gumelar District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The independent variables were parents who work abroad (father or mother), length period of parents working, and peer influence. Population and Samples: the population in this study was 96 adolescentsaged 11-18 years who were left behind by one of their parents working abroad. The inclusion criterion is a parent has been working abroad for at least 6 months, the exclusion criterion is that when the research was carried out parent who worked abroad hadbeen returned to Indonesia. Sample Size: Total sampling technique was used and recruited 65 adolescents who meet the inclusion criteria. Bivariate analysis was carried outto selsct variables to be included in multivariate analysis. The result of multivariate analysis is shown in Tabel 2 as follows: 1944Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. The results of this initial modeling show that the two variables have a p value <0. In particular, adolescent who are left by migrated mothers have higher potential to be engaged to risky behavior. Regarding the family structure, a research showed that family structure influences the experience of sexual intercourse in adolescents8. Smoking, alcohol consumption, and sexual behavior were found higher amongadolescent in single parent families9. Other studies showed that migrating mothers are risk factors for the mental condition of their children12, 13. A study in Italy concerning mothers and children who had been physically separated as mothers worked in other countries, and then reunited, showed that the length of time separated was relevant, because it led to changethe meaning and family life between countries, which also change the role of children in the family14. Parents, especially mothers, who work, are a threat to the relationship between parents and children. If the child is entrusted to the caregiver and the child feels happy, then the mother will feel unhappy. Meanwhile, if the child feels unhappy and happy with the caregiver, the child will hate the mother or parents who do not care for him15. Other finding of this study is the influence of peers on adolescent risky behavior. Risk behavior is a type of behavior that endangers health and tends to increase in adolescence5. Factors that encourage adolescents to take risks on themselves are social and cultural factors, including changes in family, poverty and racism16. Include in risky behaviors are: tobacco consumption, poor diet, low physical activity, Discussion One of negative effect of parent migration is changing ties in the family1. It becomes an event that can cause problems for families and children, because the separation of children from parents is the worst consequence of parental migration. When mothers migrate, it will affect children psycho social health, education, risk to be abused, domestic gender division and family break up. While the children left by fathers are more likely to be affected by poverty in female headed household which leads to a households vulnerability. They often experience difficulties in social relationships and put themselves close in small groups with peers who have the same situation. They are also Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. These risky behaviors are the biggest causes of adolescent death which generally begin early in adolescence and peak at the end of adolescence and early twenties17. Although it against the norm, some risky behaviors are behaviors that adolescents learn from their social environment, supported by their social environment, and can be controlled both individually and by their social environment. These behaviors also have a special function for adolescents in achieving normal development goals: to show the independence of their parents, to be accepted by their peers, reject conventional values in their environment, and perhaps the most important thing is to be a marker of changing to become more mature18. Understanding the impact of risky behaviors during adolescence to their future, it needs to highlight that family is always the most important social influence for children, although they have developed relationships with the environment outside the home. Close relationships infamily will have more influence on children than other social influences. In particular, the relationship between mother and child has a stronger influence. Study Limitations: this study did not analyse the age of respondents when they were left behind, so that the study cannot explain wether the behavior among respondents is a natural expression due to a lifespan development or caused by migrated parent in particular. It is suggested to next studies to search further of the impact of migrated parent to the behavior of children left behind in every stage of age. This study then expected to recommend community how to respond the needs of children left behind of affection from family, caregiver, or community. So that they can get through the conflicts and achieve the highest standar of weall-being. Conflict of Interest Statement: the authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. Source of Funding: Thanks to Ministry of Research and Higher Education of Indoensia and Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada; Universitas Jenderal Soedirman for funding this research. Ethical Clearance: All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Making Health Services Adolescent Friendly: Developing National Quality Standards for Adolescent Friendly Health Services [Internet]. Conclusion Parent, in particular mothers, who work abroad, and influence of peer increase the potential for adolescents to have risky behavior. When migrating is inevitable, it is importantto maintain the family relationship eventhough there is a distance between parent overseas and the children in home country. Adolescent, especially, needs to be supportted to undergoing their journey of lifespan. The effects of race/ethnicity, income, and family structure on adolescent risk behaviors. Shifting Meanings and Practices in Mother-Child Relationships across Time and Space. The impact of parental migration on health status and health behaviours among left behind adolescent school children in China. Wickramage K, Siriwardhana C, Vidanapathirana P, Weerawarna S, Jayasekara B, Pannala G, et al. Risk of mental health and nutritional problems for left-behind children of international labor migrants. The Feminization of International Migration and its Effects on the Children Left Behind: Evidence from the Philippines. Adolescent at Risk: A Generation in Jeopardy, in Adolescent Health: Understanding and Preventing Risk Behaviors. Trends in Adolescent and Young Adult Morbidity and Mortality in Adolescent Health: Understanding and Preventing Risk Behaviors. The Origins and Development of Problem Behavior Theory: the Collected Works of Richard Jessor. Through real experiences of women patients admitted in an oncology department, we aimed to identify and better understand the health care needs that women with breast cancer face during their treatment journey. Method: the present qualitative study was carried out using inductive content analysis. Data was obtained from 12 women in oncology departments in two different hospitals in the city of Erbil, in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted and thematic analysis of the collected data resulted in the extraction of themes and subthemes. That needs to be resolved in order to enable delivering of a higher quality of health care to these patients. It is more prevalent among middle-aged women and is characterized by advanced stages and aggressive pathology with a high rate of mortality.

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Table 2: Vitamin and mineral composition of chayote flour-based biscuits Parameters Vitamin Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitmin E Mineral Sodium (Na) Calcium (Ca) Potassium (K) 861 erectile dysfunction treatment in ayurveda buy 200 mg viagra extra dosage free shipping,0 ± 16 injections for erectile dysfunction treatment viagra extra dosage 120 mg amex,97 665,6 ± 87,68 3. Dev of 3 replicates Discussion Nutritional Evaluation: he composition of chayote and its products is influenced by climate, region, growth conditions, plant age and processing method17. The heating process in biscuit processing greatly influences the nutritional content, this is in line with a research conducted by Patel (2019) concluded that the baking temperature has a significant influence significant (p<0. Ash content in biscuits can indicate the index of mineral constituents because ash is an inorganic residue that remains after the water content and organic compounds are removed from the biscuits by heating20, 21. A research conducted by Islam (2018) shows that the content of fresh chayote ash is 0. Carbohydrate Level: Carbohydrates are the main component of chayote-based gourd biscuits51. Half the carbohydrates in biscuits that cause biscuits can replace the staple food, this role is very good for prediabetes. Diabetes is a condition that begins diabetes mellitus and continues to increase in prevalence staple food excessively23, 24. Results Proximate Analysis: the results of the proximate analysis of chayote-based biscuits are shown in Table 1. The highest to lowest contents of carbohydrate, fat, protein, water and ash content have been calculated with an average value of each analysis i. Table 1: Proximate composition of chayote flourbased biscuits Parameters Water Ash carbohydrates fat Protein Results (g/100 g) 6,68 ± 0,24 5,28 ± 0,33 51,66 ± 0,69 19,39 ± 0,36 16,99 ± 0,24 Source: Primary data 2019, *Results are expressed as mean ± Std. Dev of 3 replicates Mineral and Vitamin Composition: Biscuits processed from chayote flour showed the highest evaluation results containing vitamin C which was 13. The data shown in Table 2 shows the mineral composition of potassium which is the highest mineral in chayote flour-based biscuits (3,902 g/100g), then sodium and calcium (861. Protein Level: Protein is the least macronutrient in chayote flour-based biscuits namely 16. Interactions between molecules affect the structure of proteins that can reduce protein content in biscuits, including the binding of phenolic compounds to proteins so that their availability can be significantly reduced26, 27. Mineral and Vitamin Level: High vitamin C level made the biscuits chayote flour are very good as a source of antioxidants. Water-soluble Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant in helping the body resist infection agents and overcome harmful free radicals21, 28. Sodium and potassium play a role in maintaining the osmotic pressure of body fluids, while calcium is a good mineral for bone formation. Oak flour as a replacement of wheat and corn flour to improve biscuit antioxidant activity. Nutritional properties, sensory qualities and glycemic response of biscuits produced from pigeon pea wheat composite flour. Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Ampas Tahu terhadap Karakteristik Biskuit yang Dihasilkan. Studi Pencampuran Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata) Dengan Tepung Beras Terhadap Karakteristik Biskuit Yang Dihasilkan. Incorporation of Spirulina (Athrospira platensis) in Traditional Egyptian Cookies as a Source of Natural Bioactive Molecules and Functional Ingredients: Preparation and Sensory Evaluation of Nutrition Snack for School Children. Physicochemical analysis and nutritional properties of fresh, osmodehydrated and dried chayote (Sechium edule L. Addition of chayote pell flour in cookie: physico-chemical characterization and sensory analysis among children. Nutraceutic Characteristics of the Extracts and Juice of Chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq. The Effect of Chayote (Sechium Edule) on Blood Glucose Level of High School Teachers of PreDiabetes. Chayote (Sechium edule): A review of nutritional composition, bioactivities and potential applications. Evaluation of the proximate, fatty acid and mineral composition of representative green, brown and red seaweeds from the Persian Gulf of Iran as potential food and feed resources. Evaluation of Proximate Composition of Biscuits Produced from Wheat (Triticum aestivum l. The interand intragenerational impact of gestational diabetes on the epidemic of type 2 diabetes. Reducedfat soft-dough biscuits: Multivariate effects of polydextrose and resistant starch on dough rheology and biscuit quality. Effect of baking temperatures on the proximate composition, amino acids and protein quality of de-oiled bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) seed cake fortified biscuit. Evaluation of Minerals, Vitamins and Phytochemicals in High Fiber Biscuits Produced from Blends of African Breadfruit, Maize and Coconut Flours. Proximate analysis, mineral composition, and antioxidant properties of bitter leaf and scent leaf. Relationship of Dietary Sodium, Potassium and the Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio to Blood Pressure. Four types of algae were observed in Raw water: Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Euglenophyta. Humans need approximately 100-200 liters per capita per year in urban communities3. Algae contaminated water in the pipelines results in bad taste water, bad smelling water, changes in water color and the presence of toxic substances harmful to consumers4. Some Corresponding Author: Jindawan Wibuloutai Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University, Khamriang Sub-Distric, Kantarawichai, Mahasarakham 44150, Thailand e-mail: jindawan. The water quality was analyzed following the Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition19. Each water samples was examined as follows: the concentration of algae was measured using a haemocytometer following the whole count method18. In addition, 4 algae species Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Euglenophyta were found in this study and might affect human health, as Carmichael and Falconer23 have stated that the primary agent associated with health risks is prolific cyanobacteria growth, which is associated with nutrient-rich waters, warm temperatures and sufficient light24,25. Cyanobacteria are known to produce acute hepatotoxins, cytotoxins, neurotoxins, gastrointestinal disturbances, and respiratory and allergic reactions24,26. More comprehensive water quality data must be collected or simulated to improve exposure assessment in epidemiological studies. Lee notes that boiling water or exposing it to the sun by opening the lid of a container for 20-30 minutes until the water is odourless removes chlorine35. Conflict of Interest: Nil Source of Funding: Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakrm University Research Grants 2017; Dr. Pirom Suwansom, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University; the Provincial Waterworks Authority Mahasarakham for providing equipment and sample analysis support. Microbiological quality of drinking water and using water of a Chao Phya river community, Bangkok. A survey of the supply and bacteriologic quality of drinking water and sanitation in Jakarta, Indonesia. Algae in the water supply production process at Samsen Water Supply Producing Plant [Dissertation]. Physiology and biochemistry of odorous compounds from freshwater cyanobacteria and algae. Organic matter produced by algae and cyanobacteria: Quantitative and qualitative characterization. An overview of problems caused by toxic blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) in drinking and recreational water. Estimation of potential lifetime cancer risks for trihalomethanes from consuming chlorinated 10. Risk assessment of cancer from trihalomethanes exposure from tap water and swimming pool. Multipathway risk assessment of trihalomethanes exposure in Istanbul drinking water supplies. Risk assessment guidance for superfund: volume 1-human health evaluation manual (Part A). Risk assessment of cancer from Trihalomethanes exposure from tap water and swimming pool. Health risk assessment on residents exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons contaminated in groundwater of a hazardous waste site. D in Nursing Management Program and College of Nursing, Christian University of Thailand Abstract Background: Strategy implementation is the most important stage of strategic management to achieve organizational goals. Aim: To develop indicators of strategy implementation for nursing organization at community hospitals Method: They study was descriptive quantitative research. The samples of this study were the 332 top nursing management team members from 26 community hospitals in Thailand. Results: the strategy implementation indicators of nursing service organizations at community hospitals have two components with 10 indicators:1) ope rationalization of strategy (factor loading =0. Conclusion: the development strategy implementation instrument can measure the strategy implementation of nursing organizations at community hospitals. Keywords: Strategic implementation, Indicator, Nursing organization,Community hospitals Corresponding Authors: Dr. Netchanok Sritoomma Assistant, Professor, Nursing, Christian University of Thailand e-mail: netchanok. As the strategy implementation measurement is a potential role to achieve the nursing organization goal, the top nursing management team should have tools to measure strategy implementation. Presently, the strategic implementation indicators have not been studied in nursing organizations at community hospitals. From strategy management was not clear in the strategy implementation stage it was an incomplete process, only meeting and booklet distribution. To fill the gaps of knowledge of the strategic implementation studies in the field of nursing organization especially in the community-hospital level, the aim of this study to develop a tool that helps top nursing management team to assess the implementation of the strategies to nursing units in community hospitals. Determining sample size by using the sample calculation from the formula of Krejcieand Morgan, determine the population representation at the 95% confidence level and the tolerance level 0. The researcher sent questionnaires to the experts who are not the same person as the translator in the first step and never seen the questionnaire original set 4) comparison of the original version and the back-translated version. At this stage, the researcher and advisor jointly verify the correctness of the language to consider appropriately for both language and culture and adjust questions to suit the context of a large community hospital upwards. Conducting statistical data analysis was performing explanatory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Statistics: the data were analyzed using the following statistical analysis: 1) descriptive statistics were used to determine means and standard deviations, 2) exploratory factor analysis was used to organize components of strategic implementation, 3) confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test for the goodness of fit of the structural model of the factors, weights were Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. Results Three hundred and thirty-two top nursing management member of nursing organization responded to answer the self-administered questionnaire (response rate = 91. The study found that the three high-level of Mean of strategic implementation indicators for nursing organization were 1) nursing organization has policies that adequately guide decision making established programs and procedures of how things are done 2) all nursing units make their contribution to strategy implementation, and 3) all nursing units have short term objectives (mean= 3. Table 1: Means and standard deviations of strategic implementation indicators for nursing organizati No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Indicators Nursing service organization has policies that adequately guide decision making established programs and procedures of how things are done. Strategy development is combined with resources allocation that adequately supports the activities. Strategy implementation uses a metric system that includes regular reviews, financial and nonfinancial data. Able leadership with talent that drives initiative to implement strategy is demonstrated Staff with the right skills are deployed to implement high priority strategic initiatives A culture that is aligned with the strategy of the organization is in functional. We have in place an organizational structure that enables employees to effectively execute their strategic roles. The organization has aligned rewards and incentives with the achievements of individual and organizational objectives Mean 3. The components of strategic implementation consisted of:1) six indicators in the institutionalization of strategy and 2) four indicators in operational of strategy. The percentage of total variance accounted for the factors could be explained at 72. Table 2: Eigenvalues, percentage of variance and number of indicators of each component of strategic implementation Component name 1. The variable with the highest factor loading was that all nursing units made their contribution to strategy 2048Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. The institutionalization of strategy consisted of six variables with factor loading from. The variable with the highest factor loading was a culture that was aligned with the strategy of the organization was in functional. No Operationalization of strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All nursing units make their contribution to strategy Implementation. We have policies that adequately guide decision making established programs and procedures of how things are done. Staff with the right skills are deployed to implement high priority strategic initiatives Able leadership with talent that drives initiative to implement strategy is demonstrated Strategy implementation uses a metric system that includes regular reviews, financial and nonfinancial data. We have in place an organizational structure that enable employees to effectively execute their strategic roles the organization has aligned rewards and incentives with the achievements of individual and organizational objectives Indicators Factor loading 0. The results showed that the component of strategy ope rationalization was more relationship with the strategic implementation than the component of strategy institutionalization. The data was tested by determining the internal consistency of ten strategic implementation indicators of nursing organization. Table 4: Statistics from analysis of relationships between variables ofstrategic implementation component models of nursing service organization at community hospitals. Component Operationalization of strategy Institutionalization of strategy Component factor 4 6 Factor loading 0. Discussion this study found that the strategy implementation of nursing organizations in community hospitals had two components, namely ope rationalization of strategy and institutionalization of strategy. Strategic implementation indicator of nursing organization has an acceptable level of content trust and reliability. The results of the structural validity testing found that both components could explain the total variance of 72. Strategic implementation concept of Peace and Robinson (2003) used in business organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations of Kenya and can adapted for use in the context of nursing organizations community hospitals in Thailand. Ethical Clearance: Ethical clearance was taken from the ethical committee of Christian University of Thailand (registration no. The protected samples were obtained as personal information and ethical concerns which included informed-consent and maintaining confidentiality. They had the right to cancel participation in the study at any time without any impact on participants. Royal Decree on Principles and Procedures for Good Governance in 2003 (2003, 9 October 2003). Basic concepts for sample size calculation: Critical step for any clinical trials. Conclusion Implementation: Strategy implementation indicators of nursing organizations at the community hospitals in Thailand had structural accuracy and consistent with the strategic management concepts of Pearce and Robinson. Top nursing management team should focus on the order of factor loading of each element from the highest to the lowest, namely ope rationalization of strategy and institutionalization of strategy accordingly. This study reveals new knowledge of strategic implementation indicators for nursing organizations. Top nursing management team can be used to assess the implementation of the strategy. It alsocan be expanded research studied and impliedthese strategies for nursing organizations in other hospital typessuch as general hospitals or private hospitals. Corporate governance, strategy implementation, industry competition and performance of companies listed on the narobi securities exchange[Dissertation]. Strategy Implementation and Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Kericho County, Kenya. Objectives: To assess level of medication safety climate perception and identify related factors among registered nurses in a university hospital. This study found factors related to medication safety climate perception as age group (0. Conclusion: this study provides an understanding of medication safety climate perception among nurses and to strengthening medication safety climate perception, the nursing drug administration activities are recommended. Introduction Corresponding Author: Piyathida Kuhirunyaratn Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, 40002, Thailand. It was shown that a high safety climate level in service units performing high-risk operations1, such as hospitals, led to adverse events to patients. The concept of safety climate is shared by all hospital staff, especially nurses, and their perceptions of the priority of safety at their unit and the organization at large, especially in situations Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. The implementation of safety culture in health care institutions may have a direct association with the decrease in adverse events and mortality, resulting in improvements in the quality of health care3. In the process of medication management and medication safety, nurses are one of the professionals who have direct contact with patients. The roles of clinical nurses in medication management are complex and multifaceted, including administering medication safely and efficiently, assessing and monitoring for desirable and unwanted effects, discharge planning, and providing patient education4. Thus, in terms of patient care among nursing professionals, care involves a potential for error and some degree of risk to patient safety is inescapable4. A previous study demonstrated that the perception of nurses about patient safety decreases the medication error rate, and the highest level of perception is for the dimension of managing safety risks5.

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Age erectile dysfunction drugs at cvs discount 130 mg viagra extra dosage mastercard, household status erectile dysfunction treatment doctors in bangalore safe 150 mg viagra extra dosage, contact duration with flood water were significant risk factors of gastro-enteritis, while for acute respiratory infection, number of household member, age, contact duration with floodwater, socio-economic status, displacement duration were the significant predictors. Environmental disruption, poor hygiene and sanitation, displacement and evacuation may increase the likelihood of spreading acute infections following the flood. Introduction Since 2006, Indonesia was in 4th rank of countries in the world most frequently hit by natural disasters. On December 27, 2007, one of the most disastrous floods in Indonesia attacked Bojonegorodistrict in East Java province, after days of heavy rain and overflowing of the great river Bengawan Solo,inundating 60% of its sub-districts and displacing 229,000 people. Our study was then aimed to investigate occurrence and risk factors of acute infections following the Bojonegoro flood. Method this cross-sectional study, done in 2008 in Bojonegoro district through multistage-cluster sampling,had selected randomly 25 villages from 167 flooded villages and also 25 villages from 268 nonflooded villages. Among 25 flooded villages, we collected data from 245 randomly selected flooded households, with 1,016 household members. Simultaneously, among 25 non-flooded villages, we also collected data from 244 randomly selected non-flooded households, with 1,021 members. Corresponding Author: Mondastri KoribSudaryo Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia e-mail: maqo1@ui. Standard pre-tested questionnaire was used in guided interview to elaborate socio-demographic profile, evacuation, displacement, environmental disruption, hygiene and sanitation, and acute infection (based on history, symptoms and signs, as diagnosed by physician). The prevalence rates after flood was compared with officially reported prevalence rates before flood in 2007 (from National Basic Health Survey) in Bojonegoro population. Results Majority of respondents were males, adults aged 20+, married, low educated and displaced. Flooded household members were commonly exposed with flood water for 90 minutes/day (table not shown). About half of flooded-household members reported experiencing acute infectionsone month after flood occurrence. The predominant acute infections were skin infection/dermatitis (prevalence rate: 20. We found large proportion of house damages and disturbances of water and sanitation (especially concerning drinking water) and sewage system. Environmental disruption, poor hygiene and sanitation, displacement and evacuation may increase likelihood of spreading common acute infectious diseases leading to outbreak after flood. Similarly, in Aceh province, after tsunami, children had higher odds to get acute diseases. During flood, pathogenic organism might be carried away by flood waters and introduced to the surface waters. Failure to wash and treat wounds (even minor wounds) with clean water may cause infection. Skin problems founded after 2004 tsunami were infections, infestations, fungal infections, including tinea corporis, eczemas and lacerations. These factors existed during the Bojonegoro flood, especially during displacement in shelter. Vibrio Cholera, Salmonella enterica, Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli), and protozoa. Humid and hot environment may be in favor of the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria of gastrointestis. Flood study in 2007 in Anhui Province, China, demonstrated that longer duration of moderate flooding may cause greater risk and burdens of diarrhea than shorter duration of severe flooding. Host immunity, overcrowding and poor hygiene and sanitation might have played important role in this transmission dynamics. Specific intervention might be strengthened to prevent the spread of acute infections among under-five children in flood-prone areas, including achieving and maintaining very high immunization coverage (in accordance to national guideline) and improving their nutritional status. Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2016 the numbers and trends Annual Disaster Statistical Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. Rapid Health Assessment Bencana Banjir di Daerah Aliran Bengawan Solo, Kabupaten Bojonegoro (Rapid Health Assessment Flood Disaster in Flowing Area of Bengawan Solo River, Disrict of Bojonegoro). Climate change, flood and homes: Understanding location preferences in Indonesia. Infectious diseases following natural disasters: prevention and control measures. Water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions: an urgent requirement in postflood Nepal. Post Flood Health Hazards in Ernakulam District of Kerala: A Focus on Safe Water Supply and Control of Acute Diarrheal Disease. Short communication: Patterns of chronic and acute diseases after natural disasters ­ a study from the International Committee of the Red Cross field hospital in Banda Aceh after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Risk of Flood-Related Diseases of Eyes, Skin and Gastrointestinal Tract in Taiwan: A Retrospective Cohort Study. The Effect of Seasonal Floods on Health: Analysis of Six Years of National Health Data and Flood Maps. Possible viral infections in flood disasters: A review considering 2019 spring floods in Iran. Integrated health education in disaster risk reduction: Lesson learned from disease outbreak following natural disasters in Indonesia. Correlation Analysis for the Attack of Bacillary Dysentery and Meteorological Factors Based on the Chinese Medicine Theory of Yunqi and the MedicalMeteorological Forecast Model. Quantitative Analysis of Burden of Infectious Diarrhea Associated with Floods in Northwest of Anhui Province, China: A Mixed Method Evaluation. Identifying Flood-Related Infectious Diseases in Anhui Province, China: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis. Impact of climate change on human infectious diseases: Empirical evidence and human adaptation. Water-Borne Diseases and Extreme Weather Events in Cambodia: Review of Impacts and Implications of Climate Change. Flood Disaster, Diarrhea and Community Resilience in Water Provision: A Case Study in the City of Bukittinggi. Relationship between flooding and out break of infectious diseasesin Kenya: A review of the literature. Behavior Relationship with the Event of Diarrhea Post Flood in Kelurahan Tuweley District Tolitoli. Conclusive data on risk factors of these consequences should analyze to take preventive measures. Aim: this study was to observe the effects of maternal socio-demographic and nutritional parameters on gestational age and birth weight. Materials and Method: A cross sectional data collected from 348 mothers seek antenatal care in a low-cost hospital from September 2017 to February 2018. Conclusion: Pregnancy nutrition and economic solvency can reduce the bad outcomes of mothers. Introduction Preterm birth (before 37 weeks of gestation)remains a public health issue that causes high perinatal mortality and adult morbidity. Unfortunately,risk factors of preterm birthis not still identified in this setting, although thought to be multifactorial and diverge with settings in general. Corresponding Author: Musammet Rasheda Begum Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh Mobile: +8801775770185 e-mail: rasustat@yahoo. Maternal anthropometric measures: Maternal height and preconception weight were recorded. Sample size determination: Single population proportion test of significance used to calculate sample size. Results Ethical Consideration: the study follows the Helsinki declaration ethical rules of 1964 and permission was taken from respective authority before commencing the study with approval no. Written inform consent was taken from every participant before providing necessary information with assuring the concealment of their personal materials. On the contrary, all maternal characteristics were significantly positively correlated with birth weight except age of the participant. The low birth weight rate was decreasing as with increasing birth order but not significant. The number of years of education had no statistically significant effect on gestational age but had significant effect on birth weight. Family income had no statistically significant effect on gestational age but had significant effect on birth weight (P=0. And the model correctly fits which confirmed by Hosmer and Leme show goodness of fit test (Chi-square= 1. Table 4: Multiple logistic regression analysis of risk factors for preterm birth Parameter Age (Years) 24 > 24 Body mass index (kg/m2) Underweight Overweight Normal Preconception Weight 40 kg > 40 kg 2. And the model correctly fits which confirmed by Hosmer and Leme show goodness of fit test (Chi-square=0. The rate of premature birth in our research was in lines of Kader and Tripathi who found 10. Only three clinic considered for data collection, so this result was not generalizable. Also, some adulthood diseases are consequences of preterm birth and child malnutrition. Proper pre pregnancy diets and economic security may reduce the vulnerable situations in the study area. Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2000- 13, with projections to inform post-2015 priorities: an updated systematicanalysis. Risk factors associated with pretermbirth in the Gaza strip: hospital-based case-control study. Analysis of low birth weight and its co-variants in Bangladesh based on a sub-sample from nationally representative survey. Assessment of Under Nutrition of Bangladeshi Adults Using Anthropometry: Can Body Mass Index Be Replaced by Mid-Upper-Arm-Circumference? Influence of Maternal Height and Weight on Low Birth Weight: A Cross-Sectional Study in Poor Communities of Northeastern Brazil. National, regional, and worldwide estimates of low birth weight in 2015, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis". Small for Gestational Age Babies: Morbidity and Immediate Outcome in a Tertiary Care Hospital - A Prospective Study. Mid-arm circumference at birth as predictor of low birth weight and neonatal mortality. Methodology: this experimental study was conducted among elderly who suffering from diabetes and/ or hypertension. Data were collected at baseline and 3 months after the implementation of a participatory health promotion program. Results: the results indicated an effectiveness of the participatory health promotion program. After adjusting the baseline and controlling other covariates, the experimental group demonstrated improving of outcomes including reduced triglyceride(adjusted mean different = -32. Keywords: Elderly health care, Municipality, Non-communicable disease, Participatory health promotion program, Self-management. Introduction the most common diseases among elderly in Thailand were hypertension, diabetes, arthritis/ degeneration, emphysema, cardiovascular diseases, myocardial infarction, and paralysis1. More than 60% and 10% of the elderly aged 80 years old and over suffering with high blood pressure and diabetes, respectively. About 56% of the elderly reported that they had chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood Corresponding Author: Nittaya Pensirinapa Associate Professor, Dr, School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand pressure. Regarding social problems, it was found that the rate of dependency of the elderly population towards 100 working people was 25. The policy recommendations were to increase the effectiveness of health promotion and disease prevention in the elderly, especially the on diabetes, hypertension, falls and mental health. We should enhance the role of local administrative organizations in developing a seamless health service system in the context of the area1, 5. A municipality is a local administrative 2456Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, March 2020, Vol. One of its authority and duties is to promote the development of women, children, youth, the elderly and the disabled. Both ddiseases common risk factor: overweight, hypelipidemic, inappropriate health behaviors especially dietary, exercise, stress management, and taking medications as prescribed by the doctor. It was recommended that self-care for the elderly with chronic health problems should focus on maximizing independence, vigor, and life satisfaction. Health promotion in this population is vital to prevent complications and decrease risks that reduce life quality8, 9. In addition, an effective health promotion model should be relevant with the environmental and economic context with create a balance between the need to use resources for health development and other developments8. Nonthaburi Municipality has 6 public health centers providing health promotion services, disease prevention, medical treatment, and rehabilitation. There are unclear system and network between the community and public health centers for promoting self-care of these patients7. There were limited roles of patients to plan and set goals for their self-care with medical personnel. There were recommended thatincreasing supports for patients to take care of themselves together with the participation of the community would result in the reduction and prevention of risks thatlead to better health outcomes of the patients. In order to prevent the loss of samples, therefore, it was added to each group of 45 people, including a sample group of 90 people. Inclusion criteria were people aged 60-80 years old who were diagnosed with hypertension and/or diabetes by physician, able to communicate with researcher, voluntarily participate in the study and could be followed for 12 weeks. After baseline data collection the experimental group received an intervention which was a health promotion program developed from the contribution of stakeholders and the suggestion of experts as an empowerment learning process, focused on how to help patients become more knowledgeable and take control over their bodies, disease, and treatment. The program initiated with building relationships with the elderly, learning about diabetes and hypertension, risk level, sharing self-care experience and determining alternatives for behaviour modification, dietary for diabetes and hypertension patients, forming a team for peer-assisted, setting self-care goals, making the next appointment. It aimed to inspire, inform, support and facilitate their efforts to identify and attain their own goals. The health record book was used for an individual to record their health data, learning, goals setting and planning for self-care, appointment, and having essential health knowledge. Instruments were a structured questionnaire, physical checkup and laboratory tests. The total samples who were completed data at the 12 weeks were 84 participants, 40 in the experimental group and 44 in the control group. An intention-to-treat protocol was used to determine the effectiveness of the participatory health promotion program. Method this experimental study was conducted among elderly who suffering from diabetes and/or hypertension. The median monthly income of the control group was 12,000 Baht (min: 600, max: 40,000), which not much different with that of the experimentalgroup of 11,000 Baht (min: 600, max: 100,000). This could be due to the effectiveness of this health promotion program which included activities focused on how to help patients become more knowledgeable and take control over their bodies, disease, and treatment. This participatory health promotion program was in line with the suggested guideline from Foundation for Gerontology Research and Development Institute which stated that patients should be considered as patience center care by increasing the support them to be able to perform self-care management in the community as well as focusing on skill care development practices, sharing experience and lifelong learning1,13. Moreover, the support from local administration organization for budget on laboratory test and engaging in mobilization processes also influence the success of the program14, 15. This health promotion program was designed to improve participating and context of the areas16-18. This reason could due to difference of self-care behaviors as well as the different in evaluation criteria. Acknowledgments: We would like to express our sincere appreciation for the Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University for funding the study, as well as Nonthaburi Municipality for allowing to organize the program and support budget of laboratory test. Moreover, sincerely thank to all experts and colleagues who contributed to this study. Ethical Clearance: Taken from Human Research Ethics Committee of Nonthaburi Provincial Health Office Endorsement on 16 May 2017. Source of Funding: Research and Training Center for Enhancing Quality of Life for Working Age People, KhonKaen University, Thailand. Nakhon Pathom: Foundation for Gerontology Research and Development Institute; 2017. Older Population and Health System:A profile of Thailand 2016 [Available from. The municipality should continue with this program for the elderly as well as let them 5. Community Health Community: A Case Study of Don Wan Subdistrict, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. Maha Sarakham: Primary Health Training and Development Center Northeast region Khon Kaen Province 1998. The results of a health promotion program By applying self-efficacy theory and group process together with social support In type 2 diabetes patients in Erawan Hospital, Erawan District, Loei Province. Effect of Empowering Program for Self-protection Hehavior in People at Risk of Diabetes Nong Yai district, Chonburi Province. Effects of a self-management support program for Thai people diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. Thai Health Strategy Office and the Non-communicable Diseases Control Network Plan; 2016. Community-based intervention to improve hypertension management in Thailand [Doctoral Dissertation]: University oF Technology Sydney; 2015.

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In an effort to tease apart this heterogeneity we have utilized single cell mass cytometry erectile dysfunction cholesterol lowering drugs viagra extra dosage 130mg generic. Like conventional fluorescent flow cytometry erectile dysfunction pills free trial discount 120 mg viagra extra dosage amex, this technique allows for the profiling of whole populations at the single cell level in a high-throughput manner; unlike conventional flow age related erectile dysfunction causes generic viagra extra dosage 120 mg without a prescription, we are able to detect protein levels for up to 30 intra and extra-cellular epitopes per cell with little spectral overlap due to distinct conjugated metal isotopes. From these analyses we find that reprogramming across different systems follows similar stepwise stages which can be clustered into 1) the repression of fibroblast specific markers 2) the emergence of an Oct4high Klf4high population 3) which gives rise to a population that resembles partially reprogrammed cells in cell cycle parameters and surface marker expression. Our findings show that single cell analysis by mass cytometry can parse productive and nonproductive routes to reprogramming furthering our understanding of pluripotency induction. We are now using a new 3D protocol that recapitulates the endochondral bone formation through chondrogenic steps. These cardiomyocyte differentiation protocols have led to varying results and differing purity levels of cardiomyocytes. In the final step, the induction media was replaced with maintenance media and cells were re-fed every other day for up to five weeks with beating cells usually first appearing on Day 7 and robust contracting syncytium by Day 10. The differentiated cells were analyzed for formation of contracting syncytium and for cardiomyocyte markers by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry. Conclusions: Our findings suggest the complete differentiation media system could serve as a standardized culture system for generating large numbers of consistent, spontaneously active cardiomyocytes in research studies. Nevertheless, translation of this strategy to human myogenic progenitors requires the presence of cells with a remarkable proliferative capacity, able to withstand clonal expansion into clinically-relevant cell numbers. This could be particularly challenging when using autologous muscle-derived stem cells, whose pool is susceptible to exhaustion following the degenerationregeneration cycles of a dystrophic muscle. Four non-transformed and non-tumorigenic clones were generated, showing a stable karyotype and myogenic differentiation in vitro and in vivo. However, the above-mentioned reprogramming and differentiation steps still rely on the use of integrating viral vectors, which harbor a potential risk of insertional mutagenesis and cell transformation. If successful, this second strategy will not only be integrationfree in its reprogramming, genetic-correction and differentiation steps, but it will equally generate cells ready for transplantation into preclinical mouse models of muscular dystrophy. The role of intrinsic cell line differences has been less well understood and this may account for the wide variations in differentiation efficiency observed. To identify conditions that would override intrinsic cell line lineage propensity and specify cells toward an oligodendrocyte lineage, the effects on timing, duration, concentrations and combinations of extrinsic factors were determined in three pluripotent cell lines, two of which possessed known lineage propensity. We have developed a common protocol for cortical neuron generation from human, chimpanzee and rhesus pluripotent stem cells that recapitulates early events in cortical development and enables us to do a comparative molecular analysis of this process. A prerequisite is their derivation from easily accessible somatic tissue with non-integrating vectors and their efficient differentiation under defined conditions. This is further supported by the expression profiles of lpa receptor (lpa1-3) observed in the early axis mesoderm formation during early embryonic development. Standardization is hampered by variation in starting material and cell culture methods which renders comparison between studies difficult. Pluripotency was verified through expression of pluripotent markers and through differentiation to the three germ layers in vitro. We also performed electrophysiological analysis on maturing neurons using a whole cell configuration patch-clamp technique. Cells were monitored throughout the differentiation protocol for the expression of genes characteristic of various embryonic endodermal developmental stages and of parathyroid origin and/or function. Primary parathyroid cell culture isolates were used as reference standards for cell and organ specific morphology and gene expression. Ultimately our method will provide an automated pipeline for assays requiring large amount of specific neuronal cultures, such as therapeutic screening targeting acetylcholine producing cells. When the microenvironment is physically or chemically changed due to external stimuli or diseases, cells in it happen to show the abnormal phenotype. Some researchers have tried to control the cell phenotype using physically or chemically modification of the microenvironment. In this work, we hypothesize that the surface stiffness may induce the abnormal phenotype which is able to increase the cell reprogramming. To control the surface stiffness, this work employed polyacrylamide hydrogels with various concentrations of acrylamide and bis-acrylamide. Compared to stiff hydrogels, it was found that soft hydrogels induced the round shape while stiff hydrogels did the widely spread shape. In each case, the lines maintained high expression of pluripotency markers and a normal karyotype. In addition, an efficient feeder-free culture condition would be of great value by reducing batch-to-batch variation, allowing standardization of culture conditions, facilitating scale-up, and saving time and effort. Many of the existing formulations of cryopreservation media rely on high percentages of poorly defined serum or albumin. Following cryopreservation in CryoDefend-Stem Cells media, viability was assessed post-thaw. Cells were then characterized by verification of stem cell marker expression via immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry as well as functional verification via in vitro directed differentiation. CryoDefend-Stem Cells media was found to have superior or equal performance to both traditional serum/albumincontaining cryopreservation media and existing commercially available defined media. Major concern is its genome integrity and a large number of point mutations have been indeed identified in their genomes. Furthermore, the history of the emergence of each mutation was revealed through the comparison among sub-lines. Conclusion: Thus in our experiment we demonstrated for the first time that miR-199a-5p blocks the reprogramming process in the early phase of reprogramming but not late phase. However, alternative cell sources need to be identified to overcome the ethical and logistical issues that are associated with using human fetuses. If white matter damage remains untreated, cognitive and motor capabilities decline. Stem cell transplantation offers the possibility of providing a cellular approach to repairing injured white matter. We tested the effects of transplanting two different types of stem/progenitor cells in a mouse model of white matter stroke. Ongoing studies concerning tissue variables of cell death and behavioral recovery are being established. With these cells, we were able to perform simultaneously the allogenic and the autologous cells co-culture. In fact, each cell line should be deeply analyzed if a clinical application is envisaged. With advancements in neuronal differentiation and cellular reprogramming technologies, we are now able to investigate drug action in human neurons derived from embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells including those from clinically affected patients. Conclusion: We successfully established an efficient secondary reprogramming system and a new reprogrammable mouse line with double fluorescent reporter. This novel system will enable us to uncover specific properties and molecular events underlying the generation of pluripotent cells from the soma. However these reprogramming techniques are plagued by problems relating to the efficiency of the process and the poor understanding of their cellular mechanisms. Recent studies were able to drastically improve the efficiency of reprogramming by inhibiting Mbd3, a core member of the nucleosome remodelling and deacetylation repressor complex. Despite this there still are no clear and non-ambiguous studies which show if all differentiated cells have the potential of being reprogrammed or whether there exists an elite subpopulation of cells that are more selectively being reprogrammed. This shows that there exists neural crest derived cells in cultures identical to those used in reprogramming studies. These studies can help better understand the cellular mechanism of reprogramming and will help devise more efficient techniques of reprogramming. Molecular analysis methods offer an appealing solution for rapid, quantitative, and comprehensive characterization. The accompanying cloud-based analysis software computes the signature for self-renewal and lineage markers for test samples and compares the data against a pluripotent reference standard to generate scores. Established clones were subjected to spontaneous embryoid bodies to assess for trilineage differentiation potential. To further simplify the process and minimize sample size, methods were developed for direct use of cell lysate in the assay without compromising the quality of the results. These results collectively demonstrate the simplicity, ease and consistency of this method to predict functionality, thus offering a much needed uniform standardization and qualification of pluripotent cell lines. Secondly and associated with this, lack of silencing of exogenous pluripotency genes is a general drawback: in contrast, human and murine episomal reprogramming approaches lead to integration of such transgenes. Moreover, we identify a unique gene expression profile indicating the missing links in regards to pluripotency factors and growth factor receptors. Their fully developmental ability was confirmed by aggregation experiments; 100% chimerism and germline competence were verified. As a result, we identified 10 to 30 point mutations in their genomes, and then confirmed the mutations by Sanger sequencing. In the present study we also attempted to reduce point mutation frequency by the introduction of some genes. Results: (Cell differentiation) We generated neuronal precursors with cholinergic neuron phenotype. One of the major reasons of limited efficiency should be a poor engraftment of injected cells. In addition, chromosomal integrity is assessed using G-banded karyotype analysis as well as genome-wide genotyping (Affymetrix 6. Cell lines are available for research purposes to academic, non-profit and industry investigators upon completion of a material transfer agreement. Each cell line is supplied with a Certificate of Analysis, culturing protocols and troubleshooting tips. But, the role of leptin receptor in pluripotency, stem cell metabolism and lineage development is still controversial and poorly understood. In conclusion, we have shown that LepR signaling is regulating the stemness and metabolic properties of pluripotent stem cells and impaired teratoma formation. Control of cellular (de)differentiation in a temporal, cell-specific, and exchangeable manner is of paramount importance in the field of reprogramming. Although both types of cell lines demonstrated a similar chromosome aberration rate, the types of aberrations were significantly different; suggesting that they arose by different mechanisms and this difference may be related to their respective methods of derivation. In addition to inducing pluripotency, the reprogramming process can also induce random chromosome breakage and rearrangement. These specific trisomies typically demonstrate a proliferative advantage that enables trisomic clones to overtake a coexisting karyotypically normal cell line in relatively few passages. However, inadequate re-endotheliazation hampers current attempts to recellularize lung scaffolds, leading to organ construct failure due to thrombosis. The development of an in vitro model for early evaluation of drug efficacy and safety could assist in the identification of compounds which have a cardiac liability early in the drug discovery /development continuum. Up to five different batches of cells were tested to evaluate batch to batch variability. Differences between batches were evident from the endpoints measured identifying the need to characterise each batch prior to use. Common to diseases like frontotemporal dementia is the abnormally hyperphosphorylation of tau, resulting in accumulation of intraneural tangles of paired helical filaments, twisted ribbons or straight filaments. The prevention of tau aggregation and propagation would be an approach to develop mechanism-based treatments for tauopathies. However, the behaviors of aggregates such as formation, growth and preservation of pluripotency are still not well studied and there are few reports on optimizing operations of scalable suspension culture such as inoculum cell density and protocol of changing culture medium from engineering point of view. We therefore investigated the effect of various operating condition such as initial cell densities and frequency of culture medium replacement on the behaviors in a small-scale suspension culture. The results showed that higher inoculum cell densities and changing of half volume of the culture medium at higher frequencies were effective in the maintenance of their pluripotency. After 7 days suspension culture, aggregates were aspherized in "low inoculum" group whereas aggregates kept spherical morphology in "high inoculum" group. However, more than half cells in "high inoculum" group became "deundifferentiated" as evidenced by their loss of Nanog expression. We also compared different protocols of changing medium in terms of the volume and frequencies, that is, "whole volume/everyday", "whole volume/every two days" and "half volume/everyday". According to morphological observations, the cells in the "half volume/everyday" group maintained sphericity of aggregates even at "low inoculum" condition. These results are helpful in optimizing operating condition of suspension culture as scalable culture method. We are now doing further experiments to understand which factors controls their de-undifferentiation. In addition, we are also designing culture system containing with dialysis to exchange substrates and wastes without removal of secreted factors. Reprogramming to pluripotency is accompanied by global genomic and epigenomic changes. The suppression of miR-29 family improved, but overexpression of miR-29a decreased the efficiency of human somatic cell reprogramming. Recent works have demonstrated that chromatin interactions at pluripotency genes loci are reorganized prior to their reactivation in cellular reprogramming. However, little is known about rearrangements of chromatin interactions at other genes loci during somatic cell reprogramming. Here, we report the analysis of chromatin structures in pluripotent stem cells by using chromosome conformation capture combined with high-throughput sequencing (4C-seq), a method to detect genomic regions in close physical proximity to a chosen genomic site. Interestingly, some interactions at developmental genes, which exhibit little expression in both cell types, are also changed during somatic cell reprogramming. Our results indicate the importance of chromatin organization at developmental genes loci in the differentiation capacity of pluripotent stem cells. This dynamic recapitulation of disease process will help gain insight into disease pathogenesis and might potentially aid in finding specific therapeutic interventions such as stem cell and gene-based therapy. Collected skin tissues were cultured in fibroblasts culture medium for three weeks. These lines are currently being differentiated into midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and disease-relevant assays are being developed. However, determining the functional significance of these pharmacogenomic variants remains a major challenge, in part because of the lack of appropriate model systems in which to assess their effects. Here we describe an approach using genomeediting in pluripotent stem cells to model pharmacogenomic traits and interrogate the functional significance of specific genetic variants on cell-autonomous drug-response phenotypes. This represents a general approach for the functional assessment of genetic variants associated with drug-response phenotypes. Despite the broad clinically utility of this toxin, it also can pose a safety threat if misused in the event of a bioterrorist attack. As a result, much effort has been put into the discovery and development of therapeutic strategies for the treatment of botulism. Although these efforts have resulted in leads with good in vitro potency, all have failed when advanced to in vivo testing due to poor pharmacokinetic properties such as low aqueous solubility, high cytotoxicity and low cell permeability. In addition, cellular models that rely on secondary cell lines have been shown to have poor predictive value in lead advancement. To achieve this goal, two different approaches have been used to engineer reporter expression in stem cells. During the past decade, gray matter atrophy has been increasingly recognized as a critical player in the progression of clinical and cognitive disabilities. However, whether axonal degeneration is caused by inflammation and oxidative stress or is intrinsic to neural cells is still a point of debate. In particular, neuronal subtypes from specific regions of the brain can be generated and are proving to be more predictive of the human condition as compared to immortalized cell lines or primary rodent cultures. In addition, the ability to repeat the method of differentiation consistently at a scale sufficient for drug discovery efforts has proven to be very difficult. We have previously presented on the derivation and characterization of human forebrain neurons. Using methods of gene expression, flow cytometry, and high content imaging, we were able to monitor the development of these neurons during differentiation. Transition through pluripotency brings cells back to a "younger" state, impeding the appearance of cellular phenotypes essential for disease modeling. Current approaches seek to trigger disease-phenotypes using strong stress paradigms, by challenging the system through damaging compounds such as reactive oxygen species or toxic chemicals. We reason that an acute exposure to toxic agents might not yield truly meaningful data, as it does not reflect the physiological progression of events that eventually give rise to disease. The study also provided a first proof-of-principle that cellular rejuvenation through reprogramming inhibits the appearance of ageassociated disease phenotypes, which can be triggered by accelerating cellular aging with specific factors. Aligning these results to profiles of progerin-induced aging will determine to which extent premature aging resembles normal aging. Such allele-specific action offers the potential for preferential targeting of uclease-mediated correction to specific mutant alleles. Using transcriptome sequencing and western blotting, we have identified substantial alterations in the expression of genes related to metabolism and protein translation. We show here in multiple lines of human endometrial polyp and cervical polyp mesenchymal stem cells (proved by morphology, surface markers and differentiation ability), introduction of these four transcription factors could induce a dedifferentiation of these cells into early embryo in three days, ranging from one-cell, two-cell, four-cell embryos, morula to blastocyst. In contrast, mesenchymal cells derived from normal endometrium could not be induced to dedifferentiated to such early embryos. Polyps of the Mullerian duct derived organ may harbor some epigenetic marks making them vulnerable to reprograming to the earliest developmental stage.

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