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The gauge and the length of the needle used depend on the size and depth of the vein to be punctured treatment example discount nootropil 800mg online. The needle should not be too fine or too long; those of 19 or 21G are suitable for most adults treatment ind cheap nootropil 800 mg with visa, and 23G for children treatment improvement protocol discount nootropil 800 mg without prescription, the latter especially with a short shaft (about 15mm) medications hypertension generic 800 mg nootropil visa. The point of the needle will thus be embedded in the stopper without puncturing it and loosing the vacuum in the tube. Identify the patient and allow him/her to sit 50 Hematology comfortably preferably in an armchair stretching his/ her arm. Prepare the arm by swabbing the antecubital fossa with a gauze pad or cotton moistened with 70% alcohol. Apply a tourniquet at a point about 6-8cm above the bend of the elbow making a loop in such a way that a gentle tug on the protruding ends will release it. Alternatively, the veins can be visualized by gently tapping the antecubital fossa or applying a warm towel compress. If the needle is properly in the vein, blood will begin to enter the syringe spontaneously. With the syringe and needle system, first cover the needle with its cap, remove it from the nozzle of the 52 Hematology syringe and gently expel the blood into a tube (with or without anticoagulant). With the vacutainer system, remove the tube from the vacutainer holder and if the tube is with added anticoagulant, gently invert several times. Do not let the patient go until the bleeding stops Advantages of Venous Blood · By providing sufficient amount of blood it allows various tests to be repeated in case of accident or breakage or for the all-important checking of a doubtful result. It also frequently allows the performance of additional tests that may be suggested by the results of those already ordered or that may occur to the clinician as afterthoughts. Disadvantages of Venous Blood · · · It is a bit a lengthy procedure that requires more preparation than the capillary method. It is technically difficult in children, obese individuals and in patients in shock. Hemolysis must be prevented because it leads to lowered red cell counts and interferes with many chemical tests. Difference between peripheral and venous Blood Venous blood and peripheral blood are not quite the same, even if the latter is free flowing, and it is likely that free flowing blood obtained by skin puncture is more arteriolar in origin. The total leucocyte and neutrophil counts are higher by about 8% and the 54 Hematology monocyte count by 12%. Conversely, the platelet count appears to be higher by about 9% in venous than peripheral blood. Advantages of the Vacutainer Method of Venous Blood Collection · It is an ideal means of collecting multiple samples with ease. The multiple sample needle used in the vacutainer method has a special adaptation that prevents blood from leaking out during exchange of tubes. Because the evacuated tubes are sterile possible bacterial contamination is prevented and hence provides the ideal blood sample for microbiological analysis. These blood gas measurements are critical in assessment of oxygenation problems encountered in patients with pneumonia, pneumonitis, and pulmonary embolism. Arterial punctures are technically more difficult to perform than venous punctures. Increased pressure in the arteries makes it more difficulty to stop bleeding with the undesired development of a hematoma. Arterial selection includes radial, brachial, and femoral arteries in order of choice. Prevention of Hemolysis · Make sure the syringe, needle and test tubes are dry and free from detergent as traces of water or detergent cause hemolysis. Do not eject the blood from the syringe through the needle as this may cause mechanical destruction of the cells. If examination is to be delayed beyond 1-3 hrs, do not allow the sample to stand unsealed or at room temperature. Blood should not be stored in a freezer because the red cells will hemolyse on thawing. What are the anatomical sites of collection in these sources in the different age groups? What are the advantages as well as the draw backs of taking/using blood samples from each of these sources?

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