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H. Tom, M.S., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, New York University School of Medicine

Mental symptoms of this type cannot be ascribed to disease in any particular part of the brain erectile dysfunction treatment vancouver purchase viagra soft 50 mg amex, but tumors that cause them are more likely to involve central structures erectile dysfunction pills amazon purchase viagra soft 50mg line, i erectile dysfunction medication class cheap viagra soft 100mg without prescription. Often a slight bewilderment erectile dysfunction kegel generic 100mg viagra soft mastercard, slowness in comprehension, or loss of capacity for sustained mental activity is the only deviation from normal, and signs of focal cerebral disease are wholly lacking. In some patients, on the other hand, there is early indication of cerebral disease in the form of a progressive hemiparesis, a seizure occurring in a previously well person, or some other dramatic symptom, but until imaging studies are performed, the evidence may not be clear enough to warrant the diagnosis of a cerebral tumor. In a third group, the existence of a brain tumor can be assumed because of the presence of increased intracranial pressure with or without localizing signs of the tumor. Probably, these features reflect dysfunction of the frontal lobes, although as often as not, the tumor is in another part of the brain. Headaches (See also page 158) these are an early symptom in fewer than one-quarter of patients with brain tumor and are variable in nature. In some the pain is slight, dull in character, and episodic; in others it is severe and either dull or sharp but also intermittent. If there are any characteristic features of the headache, they would be its nocturnal occurrence or presence on first awakening and perhaps its deep, nonpulsatile quality. However, these are not specific attributes, since migraine and hypertensive vascular headaches may also begin in the early morning hours or on awakening. But if vomiting occurs at the peak of the head pain, tumor is highly likely as noted below. Occipito-nuchal headache with vomiting is indicative of a tumor in or near the cerebellum and foramen magnum. Tumor patients do not always complain of the pain even when it is present but may betray its existence by placing their hands to their heads and looking distressed. When headache appears in the course of the psychomotor asthenia syndrome, it serves to clarify the diagnosis, but not nearly as much as does the occurrence of a seizure. Later the headache appears to be related to increases in intracranial pressure, thus the early morning occurrence after recumbency and vomiting, as discussed in Chap. Tumors above the tentorium cause headache on the side of the tumor and in its vicinity, in the orbitofrontal, temporal, or parietal region; tumors in the posterior fossa usually cause ipsilateral retroauricular or occipital headache. With elevated intracranial pressure, bifrontal or bioccipital headache is the rule regardless of the location of the tumor. Vomiting and Dizziness Vomiting appears in a relatively small number of patients with a tumor syndrome and usually accompanies the headache when the latter is severe. The most persistent vomiting (lasting several weeks) that we have observed has been in patients with low brainstem gliomas, fourth ventricular ependymomas, and subtentorial meningiomas. Some patients may vomit unexpectedly and forcibly, without preceding nausea (projectile vomiting), but others suffer both nausea and severe discomfort. Usually the vomiting is not related to the ingestion of food; often it occurs before breakfast. As a rule it is not described with accuracy and consists of an unnatural sensation in the head, coupled with feelings of strangeness and insecurity when the position of the head is altered. Frank positional vertigo may be a symptom of a tumor in the posterior fossa (see Chap. Seizures the occurrence of focal or generalized seizures is the other major manifestation besides slowing of mental functions and signs of focal brain damage. Convulsions have been observed, in various series, in 20 to 50 percent of all patients with cerebral tumors. The localizing significance of seizure patterns has been discussed on pages 275 to 278. There may be one seizure or many, and they may follow the other symptoms or precede them by weeks or months or- exceptionally, in patients with low-grade astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, or meningioma- by several years. Status epilepticus as an early event is rare but has occurred in a few of our patients. As a rule the seizures respond to standard anticonvulsant medications and may improve after surgery for tumor removal. Regional or Localizing Symptoms and Signs Sooner or later, in patients with psychomotor asthenia, headaches, and seizures, focal cerebral signs will be discovered; some patients may present with such signs.


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The mild antiemetic and antinauseant effects of marijuana coupled with euphoria have led to its use as an agent to ameliorate the effects of cancer chemotherapies, and this purported therapeutic effect is the mainstay of the movement for its legalization. Cognitive functions are difficult to assess because of inattention, drowsiness, and inability to cooperate in mental testing. The somatic symptoms consist of dizziness, nausea, paresthesias, and blurring of vision. Sympathomimetic effects- pupillary dilation, piloerection, hyperthermia, and tachycardia- are prominent, and the user may also show hyperreflexia, incoordination of the limbs, and ataxia. Furthermore, subjects tolerant to any one of these three drugs are cross-tolerant to the other two. Tolerance is lost rapidly when the drugs are discontinued abruptly, but no characteristic signs of physical dependence (abstinence syndrome) ensue. In this sense, addiction does not develop, although users may become dependent upon the drugs for emotional support (psychologic dependence or habituation). Whether prolonged usage leads to permanent damage to the nervous system is uncertain; there are some data to suggest that this may happen, but there is little doubt that the mental state of some psychologically predisposed individuals is permanently altered. The popularity of these drugs has dropped sharply, but some illicit use continues because they are relatively cheap, easily available, and quite potent. It is usually classified as a hallucinogen, although it also has stimulant and depressant properties. After the ingestion of a large amount (10 mg or more) of phencyclidine, it is present in the blood and urine for only a few hours. It appears to cause a release of both serotonin and dopamine in the brain and produces an elated state similar to the effects of cocaine. Seizures, cerebral hemorrhages, and psychosis have been reported in previously healthy individuals (Verebey et al). The perceptual changes are the most dramatic: the user describes vivid visual hallucinations, alterations in the shape and color of objects, unusual dreams, and feelings of depersonalization. The incubation period varies greatly, from a day or two to a month or even longer. Long incubation periods are associated with mild and localized types of the disease. Clinical Features There are several clinical types of tetanus, usually designated as local, cephalic, and generalized. It may begin as local tetanus that becomes generalized after a few days, or it may be diffuse from the beginning. In some cases this is preceded by a feeling of stiffness in the jaw or neck, slight fever, and other general symptoms of infection. The localized muscle stiffness and spasms spread quickly to other bulbar muscles as well as those of the neck, trunk, and limbs. A state of unremitting rigidity develops in all the involved muscles: the abdomen is board-like, the legs are rigidly extended, and the lips are pursed or retracted (risus sardonicus); the eyes are partially closed by contraction of the orbicularis oculi, or the eyebrows are elevated by spasm of the frontalis. Superimposed on this persistent state of enhanced muscle activity are paroxysms of tonic contraction or spasm of muscles (tetanic seizures or convulsions), which occur spontaneously or in response to the slightest external stimulus. The tonic contraction of groups of muscles results in opisthotonos or in forward flexion of the trunk, flexion and adduction of the arms, clenching of the fists, and extension of the legs. Spasms of the pharyngeal, laryngeal, or respiratory muscles carry the constant threat of apnea or suffocation. Death is usually attributable to asphyxia from laryngospasm, to heart failure, or to shock, the latter resulting from the action of the toxin on the hypothalamus and sympathetic nervous system. Generalized spasms and rigidity of trunk and limbs developing in a neonate a few days after birth should always suggest the diagnosis of tetanus. This form of tetanus occurs when there has been inadequate sterile treatment of the umbilical cord stump in a neonate born to an unimmunized mother. The initial symptoms are stiffness, tightness, and pain in the muscles in the neighborhood of a wound, followed by twitchings and brief spasms of the affected muscles.

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In their patients erectile dysfunction treatment honey buy 100mg viagra soft overnight delivery, evidence of adrenal insufficiency had been present since early childhood erectile dysfunction 7 seconds generic viagra soft 100mg overnight delivery, but only in the third decade of life did a progressive spastic paraparesis and a relatively mild polyneuropathy develop erectile dysfunction treatment auckland viagra soft 100 mg mastercard. It should be noted that the spasticity is occasionally asymmetrical erectile dysfunction treatment penile prosthesis surgery cheap 50mg viagra soft otc, and the gait may have an ataxic component. This neurologic picture, in mild form and without adrenal insufficiency, is also the manner in which the disease may present in female carriers of the gene abnormality (see below). However, we have encountered a large family with adrenomyeloneuropathy in which males and females are both affected in a pattern that suggests dominant inheritance. A progressive degeneration of cerebral white matter in young males, often with cortical blindness- the classic type, accounting for half of all cases. An intermediate form in juvenile or young adult males with cerebral and spinal involvement (5 percent of cases) 3. A progressive spinal cord tract degeneration in adult males (25 percent of cases) 4. A chronic mild, nonprogressive spastic paraparesis in heterozygous female carriers (10 percent of cases) 5. Familial instances of Addison disease without neurologic involvement in males (10 percent) 6. Moser found cerebral forms alone in 30 percent, adrenomyeloneuropathy alone in 20 percent, and combined childhood cerebral and myelopathic forms in the remaining half. Female Heterozygotes Neurologic manifestations have been said to develop in up to 50 percent of female carriers, but in our experience with siblings of affected patients, the figure has been lower. The onset of a spastic paraparesis tends to occur later in life, usually in the third or fourth decade, and progression tends to be slow, but an explosive onset has been reported (see Chap. As already mentioned, multiple sclerosis is the main consideration in differential diagnosis, particularly since 20 percent of heterozygotes have Figure 37-10. Confluent areas of increased signal involving the frontal, occipital, and parietal white matter (thick arrow) and of the anterior and posterior portions of the corpus callosum (long-stemmed arrows). Overt adrenal insufficiency is rare in female carriers, but scalp hair may be scant as a subtle manifestation of adrenal hypofunction. Pathologically in classic instances, massive degeneration of the myelin occurs, often asymmetrically in various parts of the cerebrum, brainstem, optic nerves, and sometimes spinal cord. Degradation products of myelin (sudanophil-positive) are visible in macrophages in recent lesions- namely, sudanophilic demyelination. The cortex of the adrenal glands is atrophic, and the cells and invading histiocytes contain an abnormal lipid material. The testes show marked interstitial fibrosis and atrophy of the seminiferous tubules. Electron microscopically, the macrophages of the brain and adrenals and the Leydig cells of the testes contain characteristic lamellar cytoplasmic inclusions. This reflects the basic biochemical fault in this disease, namely defective fatty acid oxidation within the peroxisomes. Other laboratory findings are low serum sodium and chloride levels and elevated potassium levels- reflecting the atrophy of the adrenal glands. A diet enriched with monounsaturated fatty acids and devoid of long-chain fatty acids has been said to slow the progress of the disease when administered before the age of 6. The reviews by van Geel and colleagues, and the ones by Moser, the leading worker in the field, summarizing diagnosis and treatment, are recommended. It is mentioned here again to emphasize the point that the disease may have its onset at almost any age. Juvenile forms may begin between 4 and 12 years and adult forms between the midteens and the seventh decade. In almost all cases, the clinical picture, like those Turpin and Baumann, was one of slowly evolving intellectual decline or behavioral abnormality, followed by spastic weakness, hyperreflexia, Babinski signs, and stiff, short-stepped gait, with or without a polyneuropathy. As the disease progresses over a period of 3 to 5 years there may be a loss of vision and speech, then of hearing, and finally a state of virtual decerebration. In some of these cases it is impossible to distinguish the white matter disease from that of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher and of Cockayne, described in the preceding section. Orthochromatic Leukodystrophy this refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders, also called nonmetachromatic leukodystrophy, in which no enzyme defect or special staining characteristic of degenerated white matter has been identified.

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